$Printer = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_Printer -Filter "Name='Samsung M337x'" Invoke-CimMethod -InputObject $Printer -MethodName SetDefaultPrinter
Archive for the ‘Powershell’ Category
Set a default printer – Powershell
Thursday, December 21st, 2023Change timestamp on file
Friday, February 12th, 2021(Get-Item “FILE PATH”).LastWriteTime=(“31-12-2021 15:00:00”)
Fix and/or Reinstall Windows Store
Wednesday, February 10th, 2021Open Start, type: powershell
Right click PowerShell
Click Run as administrator
At the command prompt, type the following then hit Enter:
Get-AppXPackage *WindowsStore* -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}
Exit Powershell then restart.
Check if you can open the Store.
Nuvoton SIO CIR Device Driver
Saturday, June 23rd, 2018Disable-PnpDevice “ACPI\NTN0530\0” -Confirm:$false
Winmail.dat – exchange 2010 MailContact
Thursday, May 17th, 2018Set-MailContact -UseMapiRichTextFormat:Never
Loop 3 times times – Powershell
Wednesday, April 19th, 2017for ($i=1; $i -le "3"; $i++) { "Loop" }
Wait for a Service to reach a specified status
Sunday, November 24th, 2013$svc = Get-Service W3SVC while($svc.State -ne 'Stopped') { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } ... do your thing here...
remove all network printers
Wednesday, March 13th, 2013Get-WMIObject Win32_Printer | where{$_.Network -eq ‘true’} | foreach{$_.delete()}
Configuring NIC Teaming in Powershell on Windows Server 2012 – Powershell
Friday, February 15th, 2013The first thing you’ll need to do is see what network adapters you currently have setup.
Type: “Get-NetAdapter” to get the list of network interfaces.
Now with this information we can create the NIC team.
Type: “New-NetlbfoTeam” to start the creation process.
You will be asked for the “TeamMembers” that will be apart of the NIC team one by one. Enter the NIC names i.e. “Ethernet” then hit enter. When there are no more team members to add just hit enter while the current “TeamMember” prompt is empty.
You will be asked to confirm the information and once you hit “Enter” or type “Y”